As I've been working on my portfolio, I've discovered some things about myself. I've realized that the fashion biz comes to me pretty easily. And that the drawing/sketching part isn't difficult for me at all! However, for the past, hmm... 28 years!, i've been talking myself out of how good I am! Trust me, I'm definitely not tooting my horn here -- at least not yet! -- I'm realizing that we can truly talk ourselves out of doing something we love out of fear of rejection or looking stupid...*to whom, I really don't know, but for some odd reason there is the feeling that SOMEONE out there will be laughing at us for whatever reason*
This is truly a breakthru moment for me. I mean, think about it. I was so afraid of messing up, or not doing things right the first time, that I TOTALLY talked myself down from the ledge...NOT realizing that the ledge I was standing on, was the ledge to my future. Had I just let myself jump, I'd've free fallen into greatness! HA! *slap!* dumb.
Long ago, I discovered that I had a fear of success. (I KNOW! Weird, right?!?!?) But as time has passed, and I've let go of the reins, diving into what I thought would be cold unforgiving waters, I've realized that I dove into a warm, welcoming ocean of talent and awesome potential! So, I started swimming! As time goes on, I become stronger, swimming faster and longer than I could have ever imagined! Now, I'm building a speed boat! (yes, all while swimming! Now THAT, my friends, is talent!)
I don't understand why sometimes we have these epiphanous moments so late in life! **I know, I know, some people say "at least you discovered it while you're still young, your only 28!" but hell, if I'da done it 10 years ago...!** But then again, I would be a different person now...on a completely different journey, with different friends and different experiences. I like my friends and I cherish my experiences (good & bad)'s made me who I am!!
So, maybe I'll settle for..."hell, if I'da done it 3 months ago!!" LOL But whatevs! It comes when it comes!
Stay tuned! I'm SURE there will be more!!