Saturday, August 29, 2009


I am really thankful for the DailyOM...I SWEAR they're inside my head knowing what I'm going thru when they send me shit.
I will have to include them in my acceptance speech....


August 28, 2009

Going through the Opening
Contracting before Expanding

Sometimes our lives contract before they expand. We may be working hard on ourselves spiritually, doing good in the world, following our dreams, and wondering why we are still facing constrictions of all kinds—financial, emotional, physical. Perhaps we even feel as if we’ve lost our spirituality and are stuck in a dark room with no windows. We may be confused and discouraged by what appears to be a lack of progress. But sometimes this is the way things work. Like a caterpillar that confines itself to a tiny cocoon before it grows wings and flies, we are experiencing the darkness before the dawn.

When things feel tight, it’s easy to panic or want to act in some way to ease the feeling of constriction. We might also spin our wheels mentally, trying to understand why things are the way they are. However, there is nothing we need to do at this time other than to be patient and persevering. We can cling to the awareness that we are processing the shift from one stage to another, and the more we surrender to the experience, the more quickly we will move through the tightness into the opening on the other side. Just like a baby making its way down the birth canal, we may feel squeezed and pushed and very uncomfortable, but if we remember that we are on our way to being born into a new reality, we will find the strength to carry on.

Even as we endure the contractions, we can find peace within ourselves if we remember to trust the universe. We can look to the natural world for inspiration as we see that all beings surrender to the process of being born. In that surrender, and in the center of our own hearts, is a willingness to trust in the unknown as we make our way through the opening.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



I was gifted an iPhone tonight [thankyouverymuch!]....what are the chances?!!?

*happy dances*

let the manifesting continue!

I've got biiiiiiig shit comin' my way!

stay tuned.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Feed Me, Seymour!

For the first time in my life, I've realized that I have an insatiable hunger.
I wondered for the longest why, at times, I can eat so much food and never feel satisfied. More bread, more butter, more veggies, more this, more that...hmmm, what about ice cream? that sounds good.

My stomach screams at me, STOP!, for she is filled to the brim. My mouth says...ooh that was tasty I want more more more! My mind asks, WTF are you doing?

I don't know, I say. I need something more. I'm still not satisfied.

The other night while reading, Women Who Run With The Wolves, it came to me...out of the proverbial blue....

My soul is hungry.

My soul is hungry?


This is why food has proved itself dissatisfying in so many ways. This is why I yearn for more. Something more fulfilling. Soul Food. [and no, I'm not referring to Big Mama's fried chicken and collard greens.]

I need to feed my soul.

I'm going out for a Love burrito.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today's Inspiration Comes From...

I woke up with this song stuck in my head....

This can only mean one thing.....and no, it's not sex [LMAO!] is gonna be AWESOME!

I love Grace Jones!

What Kind Of Fuckery Is This...?

Okay, kiddies. I gotta take a moment to vent.

I'm a tad bit frustrated, slightly disappointed, and bored outta my ever-lovin' mind! [*ever-lovin'...a tribute to 1980s network broadcast sensorship......fuckers!]

So, as I discovered soon after I moved to Paris, during the month of August, 98.3% of the Parisian population take their happy asses on month-long vacations to the countryside (or wherever the fuck they go), abandoning the city, leaving it to hordes of over-enthusiastic tourists.

....thus the root of my not-so-super-excited feelings of the moment.

I love Paris...don't get me's a beautiful city. But, I'm bored. A ton of stores & restaurants [mostly the good ones] are closed, the museums & "points of interest" are crawling...CRAWLING!...with tourists [ick] and the night life is lack luster at best. *ARGH!*
And, since I don't really know anyone here [and if I did, they'd probably be out of town anyway...], I'm not privy to all the cool little local joints around town [which are probably closed for the month, too!] [!!!] and I have yet to find the website/blog with the right information.

♪♫♬ ...And I stilllllllll haven't fouuuuuund what I'm looking fooooorrrrrrrrrrr... ♪♫♬

Unfortunately for me, I'm not the one for aimless wandering. I find it pointless and after a while, my feet start to hurt. So, I don't do much of it. Also, I'm pretty bummed that I can't rent a Velib [bikes that are available all over the city] because they don't take MasterCard.


I'd SO much rather bike least riding a bike is fun (and you can cover more ground!).


The fact is, I'm really just anxious for life to get going. I didn't expect the city to be so dead. I was really looking forward to meeting a bunch of folks, building new friendships and SPEAKING FUCKING FRENCH! [which I am, but it's slow going seeing as though I don't have many people to practice with.....ah well, so much for immersion! *sigh*]

There are times where I find myself feeling a bit disheartened and disenchanted...which, I KNOW, is not at all helpful in manifesting the things I want, so that's why I have to get this out before it festers and materializes into something less desirable.

Well, I can say the one good thing about feeling this way is that it makes me want to do something wild and insanley ridiculous to shake things up a bit. Ahhhh, tomorrow....this will be my first opportunity to partake in some sort of fuckery that will lift my spirits and shake this shit off! ...I'm gonna have to get creative.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Excitement Is a Bubblin'!

I've been in my "workshop" all day long...and I must say that it has been most fun.

If you know anything about Esther & Jerry Hicks and The Law of Attraction, you know what I'm talking about. For those of you who haven't been schooled yet...your workshop is a place you go [in your mind] where you deliberately create the life that you want. The key must go "there" while you're on a high vibration of yumtastic goodness [aka positive emotion]. Since you create from the point at which you feel, it is of the utmost importance to go into your creation stage feeling good.

As I flip thru the most recent issues of Vogue Paris, Elle and WAD magazines, I get an increasingly tingly, vibrant sensation in the center of my heart chakra. I think about how exciting and fun[!] it will be to be photographed for magazines of this caliber. WOW!

I can't help but notice the rapid palpitations in my chest as I close my eyes and see myself at the most exciting and exclusive events in Paris, London, New York, and anywhere else there may be a soirée of note.

My dreams are guiding me each night...I awaken every morning with a new knowing and an excitement like no other...a newly heightened sense of Rage* that fuels my drive to succeed in this game.

My life is changing rapidly. So rapidly, in fact, it feels as though I'm in a lucid dream. I find mySelf switching lights on & off and pinching myself to see if I am indeed actually awake. {If you've seen the movie Waking Life, you will know what it means to flick the light switch...aka controlling the light levels. If you haven't seen it....stay home and make it a Netflix night!}

I am looking forward to the blogs to come. I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences...especially with photos!

Until then....I am the writer, the director, the producer and the actress of this movie called My a Cover Girl!

*Rage: Something that is desired intensely (as defined by Larry A. Thompson in his book SHINE: A Powerful 4-Step Plan For Becoming A Star in Anything You Do
...READ IT!)


In the Shaolin temple, there is a hall of the thousand mirrors.

One day, a dog came into this hall and suddenly saw a thousand dogs around him. He growled and barked at his alleged enemies. And they of course, showed him a thousandfold of teeth back.

Here upon, the dog became furious with rage and this rage came back at him a thousandfold, so he died of overexertion…

Some time later, another dog came into the hall of mirrors. And he also saw a thousand dogs around him.But he was pleased about that and wagged his tail and at once had a thousand friends.

[courtesy of Chikara Reiki Do]

A valuable lesson for all of us. For we attract more of what we put out into the world. Are you growling or wagging your tail?

Happy Sunday!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

God Doesn't Like Cut-Off Shorts

I went to "explore" more of Paris yesterday & I found myself at Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, the second most famous church in Paris. The grounds were covered in so many tourists, it was like a cockroach infestation at a Chinese restaurant! [OMG]

Now, I don't typically engage in tourist activities....the common tourist makes me want to scratch my eyes out....but since I didn't really have much to do I decided to go "see the sites".

As I arrived at the church grounds, I was instantly greeted by Senegalese street vendors trying to sell me [friendship] bracelets. "No, merci." I say with a smile as I walk away.
Well, apparently that doesn't suffice here in France. You either have to completely ignore these guys, acting like they don't exist, or run in the opposite direction. If you make any kind of verbal, or even eye contact, you're screwed. The man followed me for longer than I was comfortable with trying to sell me this f-ing bracelet. "No, merci....No, merci.....NO, MERCI!!!" as I pick up my pace and scurry off.


At the base of the grounds, there is a little, I'll call it a trolley [for the sake of trying to classify what this thing was], that you could buy a ticket and take you up the hill. I not only looked at how long the line was, but the fact that you had to pay for a ride up a hill seemed a tad ridiculous. So, I opted for the stairs.

....did I mention that there were approximately a million fucking steps?! Well, whatever. I'd just eaten an entire pizza by myself and climbing the stairs was free!

The church...outside...was absolutely gorgeous. Domed towers, beautifully carved stone, patinated statues....and the view from the! Unbeliveable! You could see for miles (or should I say kilometers?! I am in Europe after all). Apparently, the building sits atop the highest point in all of the city.

I try my best at playing tourist and take my photos. [as you can see here...]

...these aren't the steps I climbed...this is actually from my decent.




the view from the Basilica steps...



...a little stairway along one of the sides of the lawn.


the merry-go-round at the base of the grounds.....also featured in the movie Amelie [a must see! Great movie!!]


The entire time I couldn't help but think about how unfortunate it was for a holy place to turn into Disneyland. Don't get me wrong...I gave up on Catholicism long before I was forced to go to catechism class as a kid. But, it just seemed inappropriate for some reason. Maybe it was an old program still spinning around somewhere in my subconscious...or maybe I just felt bad for those who actually do practice the religion and choose this venerable place to do so. Or maybe it's just because I can't stand tourists! [gags]

Anyway, as I continue my rounds. I decided, since I was there, I may as well go inside and check it's probably really beautiful. [I haven't been inside a Roman Catholic church in at least 10 or more years...thank God!]. I walk up to the church entrance and immediately see the posted signs "NO PHOTOS. NO VIDEO." [*damn*] Ok, it's understandible, no worries. As, I get closer, I see another sign, smaller print, but apparently equally as important. Among the list of things that are required for entry...the one, and only, that caught my attention was "you must be dressed respectfully".

Here we go.

Before I continue, let me explain something....

It's summer....August....The hottest fucking month in any country in the Northern Hemisphere. I typically dress myself based on the weather conditions, an this day was no different. It's bad enough that before I moved to France I had to chuck my sole pair of flip flops because they broke. And, being that I'm not your typical 8 1/2 shoe size...I'm an 11, it's not like I can just pop into a random shoe store and say "gimme that pair in gold". Trust me, I've been searching for sandals since I got here!

Since I knew I would endure the inevitable hot-foot wearing my cowboy boots, I opted for my cut-off jean shorts and a tank top. Hell, I even pulled the fro back into a bun! ...and this is a rarity. Ask anyone who knows me.

....back to the Basilica....

As I approach the door, out of the corner of my eye, I see a sweetfaced young girl in a pair of black shorts and a yellow tank. She looked pretty bummed. Her facial expression said it all. I didn't think twice about it until I was ready to step in the church doors.

"NO. Mademoiselle. PAS BONNE. Pas bonne! No, no, no!" a small Bangladeshi man said to me waving his hand to stop me from entering. [pas bonne = not good]

Apparently, JC doesn't think cut off shorts are appropriate for his casa.

I rolled my eyes behind my aviator lenses and shrugged it off. "See! THIS is why I don't believe in religion!" I thought to myself. "WTF happened to 'come as you are'?"

As I turned to walk away, I noticed the young girl in yellow again. Ahhh! I see. Her black shorts were a tad too far above the knee for God's taste! The fucked up thing about it was, her whole crew, which must've been more "respecfully dressed", ditched her ass and went inside! Well, little lady, you know who's not gonna be on your side during the Armageddon! Hope you don't insist on wearing shorts!!

Gotta love those Roman Catholics!

*rolling eyes*

Monday, August 3, 2009

Remember This...? You Better!!

I remember watching this as a kid.

I think this was the first time I fell in love....!


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Papy Dance...!

As I was exploring Paris last week, I decided to take the train to Bastille for the first time.

Upon exiting the Metro, I came across this rather dashing character and turned on my camera...



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