Friday, May 15, 2009


[this post was originally on another blog of mine...but I've decided to repost them here...mainly cuz I actually have READERS on this site! LOL]

Initially, I didn't really know exactly what I wanted this blog to be about. But, I knew it had to be something great. Not just because of the title, but also because of what vibr8highr represents--raising vibration. Raising my vibration...raising your vibration...raising the vibration of all humanity....thus raising the vibration of the entire planet and the Universe.

My intention for this blog is to spread Love--in all forms, to all forms.

Love is the highest possible frequency that we can achieve as Beings. [and, no, not just as human-beings...]

When I use the term "Love", I don't mean, "Oh, I looove my boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/cat/dog/haircut...".

It's way beyond that.

When I say "Love", I am referring to our truest nature. The substance from which we were all created. The LOVE I am referring to embodies Joy, Peace, Light, Happiness, Bliss, Graciousness...Oneness. This kind of Love is beyond just a feeling. It is a BE-ing.

...and guess what?!

We ALL have the potential and ability to become this form of Love.[!]

While I am on this here planet, it is my intention and my goal to completely embody Love. I am choosing to return to my origin and become Love itself and overflow with it...radiating it...sharing It with every One and every Thing I encounter.

This is what vibr8highr is all about. Becoming your greatest potential. Returning to your origin. Re-membering who and what you really are.

So, please, I ask you kindly and lovingly to join me in my pursuits. Walk with me, side by side, with your heart wide open. Brothers and Sisters, please help me raise the frequency of our Mother, Earth. I can't do it all by myself....and there is no one else that can do it for us. So, let's work together and make this thing happen!

Who's with me?[!]

1 comment:

  1. love is pumping the blood that connects us all to the great and all powerful source....when we are filled with love then we are dancing in bright lights and all of our desires are entering into our time and space reality easily and is the cure for any is intangible yet it is here brewing inside us like a little earthquake waiting to explode with laughter.....asking us what took you so long to recognize and allow this wondrous emotion to illuminate free u and to connect you to your highest potential while allowing you to live everyday on purpose in your full spirit.


Go on...say it...[!]

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