Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random Thoughts About Things...

Well alright!

Ok, here's what's least to me....I go around all day thinking about what I want to say on my blogs. Ideas flow freely, thoughts evolve into even greater thoughts, the right words come to mind.....then.....I finally get in front of the computer and.....

*blank* [!]


This is why I need a little tape recorder on me at all times.
(tape recorder! LOL ...I feel like I just said "I need to carry an 8-track" or something!)

I have so many different thoughts running thru my brain at any given moment, I could blog for days!
[...if it weren't for the damn brain farts!]

I suppose I could just post random, videos, links to other blogs, etc, etc....but I'm not online perusing websites all day....and, for whatever reason, I feel like I should be saying something on here....but then again, maybe it's not that serious.
*shrugs & looks off to the right*

So...on to the "something"...

I've been really out of it lately...not necessarily in a bad way...but definitely in a way. I feel a bit discombobulated and out of focus. I mean, I know I'm working toward a my goals, but sometimes I feel like I need to conquer one at a time. It's all so distracting (just the thought of it all)...and which one do I choose first? I guess if I had to choose, it would be the one I'm most passionate about ( [duh!]. However, I feel like they can all be done simultaneously...if I discipline myself. I mean really, it shouldn't be this complicated.[!]

*sidebar* I want to give a shout out to Esther & Jerry Hicks....Ask and It Is Given: Ch. 4 "How Can I Get There From Here" just came on my iTunes [which is currently on random, BTW]...this is exactly what I need to hear right now! I would suggest that everyone buy this (audio)book *-*

I know it sounds strange...especially after my last statement (prior to the shout out)...but I think my real issue is that I am limiting myself by not allowing my talents to develop into whatever they may become. Apparently, somewhere in subconsciousland, I am attempting to shove myself (my art, my self-expression, etc.) into one box or another...without even realizing it [at least until now anyway *wink*]. There are a million and one different directions a person can go--especially in my "line of work" (! ha!). I am an artist. A creator. That's what I do.

The spectrum is SO can I honestly say "this is the kind of art I do...."? Hell, I don't even know what I'm capable of yet...I'm still experimenting!!

There is so much that inspires me, that I don't even know which road to go down. I am like a friggin' sponge right now. **problem is, is that I don't rush home and make art! I just stand in awe of the other creator's piece!**

I've made a conscious effort to do more art projects (whether it be painting, making clothes/accessories, writing, etc....I'm making some kind of effort).

So. What's my new favorite art project...?


I've really been enjoying discovering & tapping into my new-found style...although it's still developing, I like where it's going. [this is a blog in and of itself!]

SO...what's my lesson for the day?


Allow it (whatever it may be) to flow [completely] and don't try to contain or categorize or define the outcome. Let it be what it is.

Freedom + Creativity = Magical Goodness!

p.s. this entry was NOT one of the many that I was imaginarily writing in my head prior to blogging...isn't it funny how that works?
I give up.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Gad/Kaylee! I appreciate your readershipness...[!] I hope you visit regularly & I invite you to "follow" if you'd like.

    Thanks again!

    You ROCK!



Go on...say it...[!]

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