Saturday, May 24, 2008

I Have The Sun.

I have the sun.
I have the stars.
I have the moon.
I have the galaxies.

I have all the elements.

I have air.
I have earth.
I have water.
I have fire.

I have everything I need.

I have happiness.
I have contentment.
I have love.
I have family.
I have friends.
I have me.

I have everything I need.

I have bones.
I have muscles.
I have blood.
I have kidneys.
I have a liver.
I have lungs.
I have a heart.

I have teeth.
I have a tongue.
I have a mouth.
I have lips.

I have nostrils.
I have a nose.
I have eyes.
I have a brain.

I have feet.
I have legs.
I have arms.
I have my head.
I have my body.

I have everything I need.

I have health.
I have life.
I have wealth.
I have me.

I have God.
I have Peace.
I have Happiness.
I have Wisdom.
I have Gratitude.
I have Appreciation.
I have Me.

I have a spirit.
I have energy.
I have light.
I have me.

I have the will.
I have the message.
I have the ability.
I have the desire.
I have me.

I have everything I need.

I have thoughts.
I have words.
I have feelings.
I have emotions.
I have a voice.

I have joy.
I have peace.
I have love.
I have me.

I have color.
I have paint.
I have music.
I have self-expression.
I have me.

I have everything I need.

I have a direction.
I have a path.
I have a guide.
I have my journey.
I have me.

I have the sun.

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