Friday, March 28, 2008


I've decided to redecorate my apartment this weekend. So, for the past few days I've been scouring LA looking for great deals on stuff I can repurpose (aka thrift store shopping & finding "treasures" on the curb).

I've been to about 3 Home Depots, 2 OSH's and 1 Lowe's in search of "oops" paint...the paint they f*ck up or some customer decided that "it was too dark" or "oh, that's not what I thought it would look like based on the swatch card I'm holding" or "my husband haaaaates seafoam green, let's try brown instead". I love it cuz they sell it for cheap (3 bux @ Lowe's & 5 @ Home Depot) and when it comes to painting a rental unit, you can't beat it! Hell, who wants to dump a bunch of money into a relatively temporary experience. *Unless of course you're my neighbors upstairs who decide to install hardwood floors without sound insulation (f*ckers!) and like to play marbles with bowling balls! Sorry, had to rant for a sec.*

I digress.

I'm somewhat of an addict. I've been watching (and TiVo-ing) Small Space, Big Style on HGTV & reading countless interior design blogs (my faves Apartment Therapy LA and Design*Sponge) to get good ideas. Since I'm on a "budget" right now, I've decided that the best way to attack my project is to do it for free, or as close to free as possible! Aside from searching Craigslist for "free stuff" and canvassing the streets for "another man's trash", I've hit up just about every thrift store in a 10 mile radius. I've had some luck...I found an awesome credenza for 30 bucks at The Salvation Army (it was originally $60, but they were having a 50% off sale). SCORE! Of course I have to paint it, but shit, who cares is was only $30!! (I'll post before and after pictures as I go along.)

This weekend I'll be hitting up the local vendors (aka yard sales) and see what cool OPS I can find. (OPS = Other People's Shit) **I have to give a shout out to my grandma for schooling me on yard/garage saling at an early age. I am armed with the knowledge and wisdom to decipher between junk and a good find. Thanks, Grams! You'll be proud of me!**

stay tuned...

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